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Fashion-Forward Classics for Your Collection + An Interview w/ the Illustrator

Never before has reading the classics been so fashionably cool. With Splinter’s new Classic Lines of famous works – such as Sense & Sensibility, Wuthering Heights, Pride & Prejudice and Jane Eyre – the classics are now more accessible and visually appealing than ever before. Each cover features designs by noted fashion illustrator Sara Singh, whose work for high-end designers such as Givenchy, Tiffany, and Neiman Marcus has also appeared in publications like Vogue and The New York Times. Today we welcome Sara to the blog for an exclusive interview. But first, let’s take a closer look at this beautiful collection!

This stunning new collection of classics is whimsical and airy, and makes for the perfect gift set or self-splurge – but for only $8.95 each! The first four titles in the collection were released March 6, 2012. The next titles in the collection will be released in September 2012.

Purchase on Amazon: (For a limited time, buy 3 and get the 4th FREE!)
Jane Eyre  |  Pride & Prejudice  |  Sense & Sensibility  |  Wuthering Heights

I received a copy of each of these four books to review. I must say, this is the most beautiful release I have seen of these stories in recent years. The covers are think and sturdy and have a nice, soft texture to them. There are fold-over flaps on both the front and back covers. Hand written titles and accents adorn both the front and back covers, title pages and flaps. Memorable quotes from the stories are inscribed inside the flaps. The hues and watercolor designs all complement each other, making for a fine set sitting on the book shelf.

Check out the photos I took of the set!

An interview with illustrator, Sara Singh:

Hi Sara, how did you come to be involved in illustrating the Classic Lines series for Splinter?

I was contacted through my agent by Splinter.

Good thing, too! Those covers are gorgeous! Where did you get your design inspiration for them?

I Googled men’s and women’s clothing from 1830’s, 1840’s and on. I happened upon an exhibition at Nordiska Museet in Stockholm called Power of Fashion – 300 years of clothing with some beautiful pieces from this period. I also watched Jane Campion’s films The Piano and Bright Star as well as the most recent version of Jane Eye. I’ve always loved costume dramas. PBS and Masterpiece Theatre was also a good source.

Can you tell us anything about the process of designing the covers?

I first had to research and find pictures of clothing. I looked at film to get ideas for poses and movement. I drew and painted poses and colors that would summarize the characters and atmosphere. And then I put it all my drawings together using Photoshop.

Do you have a favorite classic story? If so, which one?

Wuthering Heights

Do you have a favorite fashion designer, or someone that you look up to?

I like so much… Balenciaga and Comme des Garcons, I like the Miu miu line always.

Working in the fashion industry have you crossed paths with any particular famous celebrities? *eye wink*

I am as backstage as you can get… I’m just the illustrator.

(And because we just have to know) What is your favorite color?

All kinds of green…

Chocolate or vanilla?

Vanilla – the real kind with little tiny black specks.

Pepsi or Coke?

Neither, I don’t like the bubbles.

Tom or Jerry?

Which one is the mouse again? I’m the mouse.

You can view more of Sara’s incredible designs on her website at:

Purchase Splinter’s new Classic Lines on Amazon:
Jane Eyre  |  Pride & Prejudice  |  Sense & Sensibility  |  Wuthering Heights